Welcome to another Master Class In Affiliate Marketing.
Today, I am going to discuss the most important subject to any internet or affiliate marketer. & that is Traffic. For without it you cannot succeed or prosper on the world wide web.
I'm sure many of you have heard these words before. "It doesn't matter how grand, elegant, beautiful or inviting your website is, if no one visits it, it's redundant". That it such a true statement. To bring it to life and make it visible you need traffic, lots of traffic!
Right, down to the nuts and bolts. You may already know that there are two types of traffic; targeted and non-targeted. Targeted traffic consists of people who are interested in your product or service and would be more likely to spend money to get it from you.
Non-targeted traffic consists of the rest of the world. These individuals are not interested in buying what you have and, therefore, will not part with their cash for it. Obviously, it's the targeted traffic that you should be interested in.
Use only the best traffic generating strategies
You should only use strategies that require little work and produce the best results.
My criterion for choosing traffic generators is that it has to be
- Simple, quick and easy to understand & implement
- High leverage, i.e. it can produce massive results with little work
- & viral in nature, i.e. it continues to produce results indefinitely
Forming Powerful Alliances
One of the fastest ways of building your customer base is to seek out mutually-beneficial joint ventures. You need to find marketers and business owners who already have large "responsive" mailing lists and make them an offer they can't refuse!
However, it's not just a case of making an offer they can't refuse. When you are working on forming a joint venture, focus on the other party and ask yourself "what do they need?" What can you offer them that would be of value to them?
I would suggest that you create something specifically for the marketer you are trying to create a joint venture with. Offer him/her exclusive rights to distribute the product as s/he sees fit. Give him/her something, anything, first of all, and don't mention the joint venture offer until later. You can bring up the subject of a joint venture, once you've created something of value for them and with which they are happy. Do you see how this strategy differs from what most people would offer?
Viral Marketing
Another technique that most marketers get wrong is viral marketing. They think that by creating an ebook and adding their link, they will make a lot of money. In fact the opposite happens. You see, what they are doing is acting selfishly, only focussing on what they can get out of the deal.
Instead they should follow the example of a well known Internet Guru who creates ebooks full of powerful, valuable content. But he doesn't stop there. He not only puts his links in them, provides a killer sales letter and graphics, he actually offers the ebooks to everyone absolutely Free! But that's not all, he goes one step further and gives everyone free distribution rights so they could give the ebook away to others. PLUS as a bonus he makes the ebooks brandable. Absolutely amazing!
Do you see what he has done? He's created a product that has so much value in it that his distributors are motivated to pass on his ebook knowing that they can make money each time. Now that's true viral marketing! To find out more about this amazing traffic generator and the extraordinary twist that can make you even more money, download your FREE copy here.
Create your own private 'Power' Sales Team
Allowing others to sell your product/service is a very powerful strategy for building your business. And, who better to promote a product than an existing 'happy' customer who has had the chance to use your product first hand.
Tell your customers about your affiliate program. Tell them how easy it is to set up and how easily they can start earning a commission.
Offer them as much assistance as possible. The more valuable help you can give the more they will sell your product or servivce.
Generate Traffic from Articles and Reports
This strategy involves visiting an article bank and submitting articles for distribution.
Ezine Articles allow you to include your web site url at the bottom of the article in the resource box. This acts as a small classified ad of your services or product, and is a form of passive advertising that can generate tons of free visitors.
There are number of directories where you can find articles you can republish or submit articles to.
Ezine Articles
Generating traffic via Blogging
Blogging has become a very popular pastime and is another method for generating traffic. People worldwide are using blogs as a source of internet marketing because they can be indexed by the search engine spiders in a matter of days.
They are easy to setup and free to signup. Try, http://www.blogger.com/ or http://www.wordpress.com/
The more blogs you publish the more you will see increased traffic to your advertised sites.
All you have to do is visit blogs, read the posts and then submit a comment along with your website or affiliate link in the signature beneath your name. Easy!
If used properly, blogging can generate lots of free targeted visitors to your website.
Traffic from Search Engines
If you can get your website listed within the top 10 on the search engines or strike a JV deal with listed advertisers then you will have cracked getting traffic from the search engines.
Alternatively there is PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising.
Search engines allow you to bid for the right to be placed in the top keyword position. The traffic you receive is targeted and instant, but could cost you a lot of money in the process.
There are hundreds of PPC search engines out there but the top three, Google, Yahoo and BING dominate the market.
As I said you can generate traffic instantly to your website but the negative aspect is that they can work out expensive and you are competing against the big companies who can afford to pay $30 plus per click. Therefore use search engine advertising as a last resort.
Traffic from Social Bookmarking
Social bookmarking has gained momentum in the past couple of years and is a great method to employ in driving traffic to your website. Not only will you gain more traffic but you will also obtain backlinks to your website which the search engines look favorably on. Having many backlinks will actually increase your search engine ranking.
My top 3 social bookmarking sites are:
Delicious and
Final Thoughts
Some of the strategies I have discussed may take a little more time and effort up front, and a little longer to snowball. But stick with it because in the end it will be worth it.
Remember, that your goal is not just to get more traffic, but to create more customers!
To Your Success
DeAnna Dubois
Viral marketing is an exceptional strategy for bringing traffic to your website. Find out how you can obtain targeted traffic, resell rights to numerous ebooks, and earn 100% commission at the same time. The Ultimate Supertip reveals all. Download your Free ebook, full of content and value!
Download Free Ultimate Supertip on viral marketing
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